Tuesday, February 21, 2012

And So It Goes

Response to the blog entry I posted here about 24 hours ago has been swift.  It's, unfortunately, also been predictable because it's true to form for this crew, nasty, and plentiful.  I'll share some of it with you here.

Some member of Occupy Nashville's tech or media team yanked the link to this blog from their fb Wall and reported it to fb, resulting in my receiving an official warning from fb.  (Not the first time, btw, ON yanked something I posted on fb.)

The boyfriend, Joe A. Black (alias), of one of the people discussed (Jason Steen) in that piece posted the following on his fb Wall:
Joe A. Black
6 hours ago
Norma Jones, congrats, you're a dumb bitch.
• Jason Steen and Amanda Grace like this.

"Joe" also sent me this message through fb:

9 hours ago
Joe A. Black
  • you've done fucked up lady.

One can only hope "Joe's" screenwriting vocabulary is more expansive than his communications today would indicate.

 (Photo from "Joe's" fb page.)

There have also been plans to "dox" me celebrated on Twitter by some of ON's people.  Here are a few tweets from today:

OCCUPYCARLISLE RT @jasonashville: kids don't try this @ home. OP #DoxOccuTrolls engaged. @TANGELL0 @OCCUPYCARLISLE @AnonSikko @TheReallyRick @Gaynonymous_247 #OccupyNashville
about 6 hours ago
TANGELL0 RT @jasonashville: kids don't try this @ home. OP #DoxOccuTrolls engaged. @TANGELL0 @OCCUPYCARLISLE @AnonSikko @TheReallyRick @Gaynonymous_247 #OccupyNashville
about 7 hours ago
jasonashville kids don't try this @ home. OP #DoxOccuTrolls engaged. @TANGELL0 @OCCUPYCARLISLE @AnonSikko @TheReallyRick @Gaynonymous_247 #OccupyNashville
about 8 hours ago    

jasonashville @TANGELL0 cause i think MahDear(aka Norma Jones) has quite the crush on ya :) #OccupyNashville
about 9 hours ago    

owsNashvilleBot RT @jasonashville: wow... some folks need a life, Trolls have descended on #OccupyNashville - someone offered bugspray to @TANGELL0 i about spit out my drink
about 9 hours ago
TANGELL0 RT @jasonashville: wow... some folks need a life, Trolls have descended on #OccupyNashville - someone offered bugspray to @TANGELL0 i about spit out my drink
about 9 hours ago    

jasonashville wow... some folks need a life, Trolls have descended on #OccupyNashville - someone offered bugspray to @TANGELL0 i about spit out my drink
about 9 hours ago
There's also been the ever curious spectacle of Phillip writing tomes, with four (yes, four, at least the last time I saw) l-o-n-g blog entries of his own that he seems to consider a sort of "rebuttal" to my blog.  I hope he's been able to get some rest.  I haven't even written about the bit players yet, so I can only imagine what tangent that will set him off on when I get there.

Apparently, the thrill of continuing to prove my point that there is a problem element within Occupy Nashville is too much for some of these guys to pass up.  Far be it from me to brag about their self control, in any event.  As we've seen time and again, whatever's not cheerleading for them is attacked, they're only escalating now.  But it's not new.

In the meantime, I'd planned to write tonight about the supporting cast for ON's "stars," but I felt more inclined to stay abreast of today's current events, so that will be it for tonight.  It doesn't pass my notice that some of the people the next blog entry will focus on felt compelled to jump in so early.  For the rest of that nonsense, I'll just say they can "hearsay" to Hell all they want, but the truth is I'm not posting much of anything that's not already in the public domain.  Already streamed live when it happened, archived and ready to view on demand.  Discussed in GA.  In blogs authored by others associated with Occupy Nashville.  Done to death on one facebook page after another by some of the ones protesting this series, including two Occupy Nashville pages, the forum on their official web site, and more "Walls" and emails than any of us has toes and fingers to count on.  Together, probably.

What they don't like is that I'm doing it here where they can't shut me up.

I'm not done.